Do you have artwork printed on flat material less than 0.5mm thick ?

Artwork Scanning?

Convert that piece of art to a digital image!

Do you have Artwork up to A0 large format in size?

Yes, then we scan these to digital formats such as pdf, jpg and tiff.

Our Large Format Art Scanning Service can digitise art printed, drawn or colour washed on paper, card or any other flat material.

We just require the art to be on a flat material of no thicker than 0.5mm and with a maximum thinnest side of 914mm or 36 inches. The longest side is less important.

We normally scan at 300dpi (Dots per inch) but this can be increase to an optical 600dpi.

Digitisation provides access to these art pieces instantly from your Laptop, PC, Tablet.

Project onto a wall, view on a monitor or TV etc.

Please note our scanner is not a flatbed scanner but a roller throughput one, this does not damage the artwork.

Large Format Artwork Scanning

Large Format Scanner

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    Large Format Artwork Scanning Services

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