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Save Space & Access Easily!

Do you have Engineering Drawings, Plans, Blueprints up to A0 large format in size?

Yes, then we scan these to digital formats such as pdf, jpg and tiff.

Our Large Format Scanning Services also Vectorise these images to DXF format allowing Autocad to recognise them.

With the ability to scan large quantities of these large format drawings if you are an Architect, Designer, Engineer or Builder for example.

We can create an inventory of all your drawings, maps, blueprints or engineering plans for ease of access and reference.

You’ll be surprised at how many are taking up valuable space, either rolled up on shelving units or in large drawer filling cabinets.

Digitisation provides access to these documents instantly from your computer without the need to retain any physical storage. 

D2D can scan up to 5,000 black and white drawings into a single CD with enhanced processing to eliminate creases and deterioration.

This improves the quality of your scans, allows you to safeguard all your historical plans in a fraction of the physical space and access them in seconds.

Large Format Scanning

Large Format Drawing Services

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    Large Format Scanning Services

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    Large Format Scanning Services